A Woman's Guide to the Best Essential Oils for a Holistic Pregnancy
Pregnancy can be a wonderful and almost magical time in a woman's life. But it can also be a time of great physical upheaval and emotional challenge. Your hormones are raging out of control, while your body bloats and balloons out as it adjusts to prepare you for the blessed event. Every pregnancy is different but the one thing they all have in common is that the baby's emotional health is directly affected by the mother's emotional state of being. That's why aromatherapy and essential oils are a key component of any holistic pregnancy, but you need to know which oils are okay to use and which are not.
Unfortunately, when it comes to essential oils during pregnancy, there's a lot of confusion and misguided fear around which oils are safe to use and when. A lot of practitioners will tell you that it's not safe to use certain oils during the first trimester of your pregnancy and some will tell you to avoid them altogether! Ironically, many of the most common complaints that pregnant women usually have can be addressed and often resolved in totally safe and natural ways with essential oils.
This eBook teaches which essential oils you can safely use to solve the top 5 most common problems pregnant women face, and the best ways to use them with confidence for a smooth transition into motherhood without harming your baby.
You will learn:
Posted by Denise Cicuto, Licensed Acupuncturist, San Francisco, CA on 9th Oct 2012
Donya provides a detailed explanation of how to use essential oils safely for common complaints during pregnancy. Essential oils are a good option for pregnant women to use when internal herbs or drugs are not advised by their doctor. I highly recommend this book. It's full of invaluable information
Posted by Lindsey Sheehey, CMT, Oakland, CA on 29th Aug 2012
I found Donya"s comprehensive guide to aromatherapy applications during and after pregnancy to be an invaluable tool for both mothers and the practioners caring for them. As a massage therapist specializing in pre- and post-natal massage for over 15 years, I am quite familiar with the needs and concerns of new mothers. I am eager to share this eBook with my clients and to further incorporate aromatherapy into my practice